
Cockpit runway


EMAS Aircraft Arresting System | Safeguarding Runway Safety and Economic Viability

In the fast-paced world of aviation, safety is paramount. The consequences of a runway overrun can be devastating, not only in terms of human lives but also economically. Have you ever considered the impact of an overrun? The answer is not as simple as it may seem.

How much would it cost in brand recognition?

For airlines and airports, a runway overrun incident can be a significant blow to their reputation. News of accidents spreads rapidly in today’s digital age, and a single incident can tarnish the brand image that airlines and airports work so hard to maintain. Passengers may become apprehensive about using an airport or airline with a history of safety issues, and it can take years to rebuild trust. The cost in brand recognition can be immeasurable.

How much would it cost to lose an aircraft?

The financial implications of losing an aircraft in a runway overrun are substantial. Aircraft are incredibly expensive, and insurance may not fully cover the cost of replacing or repairing a damaged one. Additionally, the loss of an aircraft can lead to operational disruptions and increased expenses, affecting an airline’s bottom line. Beyond the immediate costs, the loss of an aircraft can have a lasting impact on an airline’s fleet and capacity.

How much would it cost for an airport to have a runway shut down?

When a runway overrun occurs, not only is there the immediate cost of managing the incident and potential damage to airport infrastructure but there are also long-term consequences. The closure of a runway can disrupt flight schedules, lead to flight cancellations, and result in the rerouting of flights to other airports. This can have a ripple effect, affecting airport revenue, airline relationships, and the local economy. The cost of a runway shutdown can run into millions of dollars.

So, what can be done to mitigate these risks and safeguard both human lives and the economic viability of airlines and airports?

This is where the Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) comes into play. EMAS is a technology designed to provide a reliable and effective means of stopping an aircraft that overshoots the runway. It consists of lightweight, crushable materials installed at the end of a runway, which safely decelerates an aircraft and stops it from leaving the paved surface.

By incorporating EMAS, airports and airlines can significantly reduce the risks associated with runway overruns. The cost of installing EMAS is a fraction of the potential expenses related to accidents, aircraft losses, and runway closures. Moreover, it can help protect the brand image of airlines and the operational efficiency of airports.

In conclusion, the impact of a runway overrun can be staggering, both financially and in terms of brand reputation. By investing in technologies like EMAS, airports and airlines can proactively manage these risks and ensure the safety of passengers and their economic viability. EMAS is not just an expense; it’s an investment in safety and long-term success. The question to ask is not “How much does EMAS cost?” but rather “How much can you afford not to have it?”

Do you want to learn more? Contact us today!



The Hidden Costs of Runway Excursions: Beyond Financial Implications to Brand Reputation

Runway excursions pose significant safety risks in aviation, but the consequences extend beyond immediate physical damage and potential injuries. The financial costs associated with these incidents are substantial, encompassing not only direct expenses but also indirect losses linked to brand reputation. This article delves into the multifaceted costs of runway excursions, exploring both the financial […]

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