Safety and Monitoring Solutions

Safety and Monitoring Solutions

Elevating Safety, Simplifying Operations.

As a part of our vision to bring airfield safety to everyone, Runway Safe now offers SARSYS-ASFT’s proven and trusted products to the North American market with local support and knowledge. Discover how reliable friction measuring technology (CFME), specialized Runway Weather Information Systems (RWIS), and IT systems can increase safety, and reduce costs and the environmental impact of runway operations.

More than just a provider of innovative safety solutions, Runway Safe is now your dedicated partner in enhancing runway operations. Be sure to have the correct and reliable data to make operational assessments and maintenance decisions with a focus on safety and efficiency.

Runway Safe – Exclusive partner for SARSYS’s products in the US and Canada.

Operational Efficiency

Optimize your airport operations with reliable data, improve operational efficiency, and plan snow removal, maintenance, de-icing, and other measures based on identified needs.

Connected Technology

Embrace the future of runway safety with our modern connected solutions. We bring innovation and efficiency to your runway operations for an unparalleled experience.

Aviation Authorities Approval

Trust in solutions approved by aviation authorities, ensuring compliance and reliability in the aviation industry. Your peace of mind is our commitment.

Safer Runways

Feel confident in knowing that the correct maintenance and operational decisions are made at the right time and place when assessing runway conditions.

Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment (CFME)

When assessing runway conditions, measuring friction helps you to make the correct maintenance and operational decisions at the right time and place. Achieve precision in friction data, reducing costs, and enhancing overall runway safety. Our solutions prioritize your budget and the effectiveness of your operations.


SARSYS-ASFT is the first and only company supplying all-electric CFME on the global market.
The vehicles carry great water loading capacity and are the future in sustainable friction measuring for large areas. All systems are compatible with our collaborative runway assessment platform MIDAS. The operator interface offers monitoring of collected data in real-time or visualized as future scenarios.

T-5 Trailer Friction Tester

The T-5 Trailer Friction Tester is a popular choice in the product line of SARSYS-ASFT’s friction testers. The construction is a simple and sophisticated evolution of the proven successful MK IV rear axle found in our integrated friction testers. The tester uses an automatically regulated water system and connects quickly to a tow vehicle with an external water tank.
The T-5 Trailer features a stable and repeatable measurement system. All systems are compatible with your existing software or our collaborative runway assessment platform MIDAS.

SARSYS® Trailer Friction Tester

The SARSYS® Trailer Friction Tester (STFT) is balanced and weighted for high repeatability and reproducibility for the entire measurement length of the runway and taxiways.
The fully automatic self-watering system including the tank is built into the chassis of the unit. Combined with the wireless operating computer makes the STFT quick to get fully operational once connected to the towing vehicle. All systems are compatible with your existing software or our collaborative runway assessment platform MIDAS.

Safe Runway Conditions

Know that correct maintenance and operational decisions are made at the right time and place when assessing runway conditions. Our objective is always to achieve acceptable runway conditions for aircraft to travel safely.

Weather Information

Stay ahead of weather challenges with our specialized weather system for runways, the Runway Weather Information System (RWIS). Real-time insights lay the foundation for safer and more efficient airport operations in various weather conditions.

The computerized weather system consists of sensors, fixed stations, and dataloggers that communicate with interface MIDAS. Embedded sensors detect surface temperature, surface freezing point, and type and depth of contamination. Fixed weather stations collect data on air temperature, wind direction, and humidity and give a visual image. Dataloggers compile all data into the back-end server before it reaches the operator via MIDAS.

  • Exact numbers mean exact decision-making and saving money.
  • Reduced costs for maintenance.
  • Return on investment within 2 years.
  • In line with the Global Reporting Format (GRF).
  • Models designed for runways.
  • Operators result in better forecasts.

MIDAS Snowtam App

Simplify runway assessments with our user-friendly MIDAS Snowtam App. Streamline data collection for better decision-making and comprehensive visualizations.
With the MIDAS Snowtam App, data-complete runway assessments can be performed. Collected data is visualized and monitored in different views like graphs, tables, and maps. All collected data can be monitored in real-time or brought forth retrospectively.

When data is plentiful and numbers more precise, we have what conditions we need to increase safety – if we can interpret and translate the numbers into task-oriented tools. RWIS compiles data from different sensors and communicates them to MIDAS. The user-friendly interface of MIDAS presents the data to the operator who can make the best possible decisions. This constant up-to-date readiness is key for any operator to guarantee runway safety.

  • Safer Runways
  • Increased effectivity in winter-maintenance
  • Less dependent on specific operators
  • Open systems for flexibility and scalability

SARSYS® SNAp 2.0 – Global Reporting

Improve your runway safety with our app-based SNAp 2.0 runway assessment software. Fast, accurate data collection ensures regulatory compliance and increased safety measures. SNAp 2.0 is an app-based runway assessment software developed for simple, fast, and accurate data collection to automate filling out the GRF (Global Reporting Format). Other features include the possibility to integrate friction data and other non-regulatory information that can be valuable to increase runway safety. The runway assessment software is operated via a user-friendly interface compatible with desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

The Weather data from RWIS (Runway Weather Information System), contamination data measured by surface state sensors, and friction data accumulated from CFME (Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment), can be integrated with SNAp 2.0 to give appropriately processed data for filling out GRFs. The process of adding useful non-regulatory data to the necessary regulatory data is made possible with SNAp 2.0, which significantly lowers risks associated with miscommunication, and gives the ability to review objective data concerning runway surface conditions the interface will present.

Connect with us to explore how we can customize solutions for your specific needs.

Let’s embark on a journey where trust and innovation lead the way for runway excellence.

Experience unparalleled runway excellence as we prioritize your safety with innovative technology, operational efficiency, and compliance, ensuring every landing is seamless and secure.