The process for implementation of an EMAS project differs depending on several factors such as previous EMAS experience, geographical and topographical location, climate zone, etc. Common for all successful installations is good planning and thorough preparations in the beginning of the process. The following are standard steps that have been identified:
Pre-study and tender support – The beginning of every EMAS
Each RESA project is unique, and a pre-study lets you know if an EMAS is the best solution for you. Runway Safe works together with the airport’s project team to identify & come up with the best solution for your specific need. Different scenarios are discussed & considered about placement of the EMAS in order to optimize performance.
A Preliminary Performance Report (PPR) is created to show the feasibility and results of installing an EMAS. A preliminary performance study is performed with the critical aircraft for the specific case. A PPR is a simplified EMAS design based on the most critical aircraft and limited design options to verify the performance of each EMAS project.
The PPR also provides the necessary information to the airport to move into the tendering process of an EMAS solution. Based on the assessment of a pre-study, Runway Safe team prepares a quotation for an EMAS installation that includes the details of the budget process and support in the procurement process.
Get in contact with us for consultation and a pre-study for your specific runway.
Design – Each Runway Safe EMAS is unique and tailored to the specific runway
Each EMAS is unique, therefore, the performance and design of an EMAS is tailored to the specific requirements of the runway and the airport. During the design phase, our performance engineers work together with the airport team and airfield consultants to optimize the performance of the EMAS given local constraints.
Details going into the design scenarios include detailed fleet mix data, aircraft type, number of operations, runway and RESA data, the topography, climate, etc. Runway Safe models an EMAS that maximizes stopping performance based on the specified fleet and runway.
At the end of the design phase a detailed performance report is compiled that takes into account the fleet mix and available area for an EMAS for a specified runway. Bill of materials are compiled, and construction drawings are produced for the planning and mobilization phases.
Increased airport capacity with increased safety
Planning & mobilization – As each situation is unique, thorough preparation is vital for a successful project
Runway Safe Group cooperates with local construction partners at airports around the world often with complex supply chains. During the planning and mobilization phase the installation crew is trained to execute in the EMAS specific installations tasks.
To address the unique needs of each project Runway Safe Group staff thoroughly prepare and spend enough time on planning and mobilization.
The construction team will be trained by building a small replica of the EMAS, called a mock-up, close to or at the airport. The trial installation enables the team to go through all the different installations steps and materials on site. It will also serve as a training module for after-marketing services.
The greenEMAS is designed with standard construction materials to enable cost and carbon efficient installation. Most materials are locally sourced, but some materials including the Runway Safe proprietary foam glass must be transported to site from a certified producer. During mobilization our experienced team arranges all logistics getting the foam glass and other construction materials to the site.
The construction team will carefully go through the important and critical steps of installation via an ambitious training program.
The EMASMAX® blocks are produced and tailored at our test and production facilities in Logan, New Jersey, USA. There we test and assure the quality of each block under supervision of our engineers.
Depending on the location of the airport’s specific installation, planning & mobilization may take up to nine months. The subsequent installation phase is dependent on the weather with above freezing temperatures and little or no rain. This means that planning and mobilization sometimes have to start 18 months prior the actual installation date.
Installation – Can be installed in parts over several nights or during a complete runway closure
The actual installation depends on the runway access. Depending on airport requirements the EMAS can be installed in parts over several nights or during a complete runway closure. The installation schedule is adapted accordingly.
All on-site work typically starts after Runway Safe and our local construction company takes over the pavement, designed to support the fleet mix of the specific runway. If such pavement is not available, this should be planned into the overall project.
After gaining access to the site – Runway Safe’s first step is the anchoring system being fixed to the pavement followed by the foam glass being placed and leveled to the correct height. CLSM (a cover slap) is poured in place and left to cure for a month while the installation is paused. Several layers of topcoat are applied for weather- and wear & tear protection afterwards. The final functionality certification and hand-over to the airport can be performed after the last CLSM has cured.
The fastest greenEMAS installation so far has been performed in less than 56 hours without including CLSM curing and top cover application. For planning purposes two to four weeks installation time on site should be considered for a certified bed. The execution phase normally encompasses three to four months in total.
First step is to install the jet blast deflector shields at the runway side of the EMAS and plan the placement of all blocks. When blocks arrive on site, they are then placed according to the premarked installation plan. The joints between the blocks are finally sealed with our patented technology.
Throughout the construction process, you can be assured that a dedicated Runway Safe installation team member will be on-site to oversee the quality of your installation.
Maintenance – The Runway Safe warranty program
As with all infrastructure investments, proper maintenance of an asset is vital in order to assure performance and reduce lifecycle costs. During the warranty period, Runway Safe takes on the responsibility as part of the standard warranty program. When the warranty program expires, Runway Safe can continue the work or train certified staff. Read more about the aftermarket in our ownership section.
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